Yep, Zoe is waiting, and that is Haali back there getting her horse ready to ride. Haali volunteers are the stable on post, and got permission for Zoe to ride the trail without her parent along. Ready to go Haali and thank you. Zoe reallllllllllllly loves Haali and Mitchell. Haali leads the way, and off we go. On another trail ride, the Hale family is going out. Needless to say, Kristy is taking the pictures so can't see her. Your new boots look nice Haali. Bet you had fun with the Haunted Trail Ride yesterday too. Hope you took pictures.
Zoe just got to spend the week at her Aunt Kristy's house. The pumpkins behind her are the ones they bought for each of the kids to carve. It looked like they had fun. Ohio is putting on her beautiful show of color right now. I didn't take this one though. I love looking at the trees right now. The Amish work their farms with horses, not tractors. This is the way they put the corn in the fields as they harvest it. They have all different types of wagons they use in the farm chores. Sometimes they have four to six horses on one wagon. They are great to see.I love their quiet way of life. They work very hard and earn much respect.
In Farmville, we just got to build a Haunted House. We are going to receive a basket or Pumpkin, to save candy in. The candy then lets us buy things. We get Gnomes for different occasions on the farm, so I have them coming to the house for treats, or maybe not, whooooooooooooo knows.