Neighbors, AHHHHHHHHHH. I wished for better weather, now that we have it, our neighbors are deciding every night is party night. They are having parties right outside our bedroom window. Their driveway is at our bedroom window. I am now praying for rain every night.
As a result, I am now planning to move my sewing room and putting a bedroom upstairs where my sewing room is now. Now the big question, should I just swap rooms, or go out and buy another bedroom set and put it up there. Oh my, there is lots of work in my future. Heidi and Joni said, call the cops.
PS: Last night was peaceful, it was raining. I like Shari's idea, I think i will try that first. For sure, it is the easiest.
Time for 'The General' to declare war! CALL THE COPS! That is what you pay tax money for right??? And the tax rebate can be used to make a cute room upstairs. Hold a garage sale and dump lots of junk so you can buy a new bedroom set. You could go get the IKEA bed that you sleep on here in my guest room and love.
Okay, I have given lots of suggestions and now it is Joni's turn!
Love and hugs ~
Well, I think a nice little bomb might do the trick. Smoke bomb, of course! Or maybe some really big speakers pointed out of your windows playing polka music. Switching rooms? Why should you have to go to such lengths to get a good night's rest in your own home? Call the cops already and sleep peacefully at night!
If the cops don't do anything, you could smoke them out by some smokey fires ... :) Good luck with it! I would definitely change rooms for now since human beings need some sleep from time to time ... till they're gone by your smokey fires of course.
Hugs, Carolien
Oh, noisy nieghbors are the worst! I'm for calling the police...but sometimes that can make things worse.
I'm for buying a new bedroom set, only if you are wanting one, otherwise change things out. Keep us posted on the outcome. Hugs, Linda
Yeah, call the cops. You could tolerate a once in a while party, but not every night! Have a little respect people!
Get an air purifier/cleaner and put it in your bedroom. You won't be able to hear the partying and you'll breathe better too.
Oh my, Nancy, I know what you are going through. Neighbours can be wonderful but they can also be awful. I hope you will soon find a solution to the situation.
I think you should put a CD player in the window and blast chamber music...LOL..or some Golden Oldies...
Ok, first of all you had me CRACKING up with those pics! TOOO FUNNYY!! But on a more serious note, that is not very fun! I have an idea!!! :) Put some raw eggs outside the window hidden. I believe that in the nice weather they will begin to stink, thennnnnn no more outside parties becasue they wont liek the smell! :) Cheap too!!! :P)
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