a little town, Alexendria Bay. Needless to say, it is very cold and windy.
Sorry this picture is a little blurry, but this is a castle (Heidi) actually in the USA. Everything in the town is closed for winter. We couldn't go into any shops.
Kristy is going across the road to see when this church was built. There was no sign saying whenit was built, but it was put into the Natural Historic registery in 1997.
This church is in Watertown, across from the hotel we stayed in.
This is the Best Western we stayed in. We wanted to get 20,000 airmiles on George's new card so he can use the miles for Holland in the Spring. Mitch met us at the airport with a sign saying airport shuttle to Carriage House Hotel Inn. He was wearing a chauffer's hat and blazer. He was not happy with u s for staying at the hotel. Everyone nearby was laughing. Tomorrow we are heading home. \

My music was started by Kristy and me, then edited by my nutty (Captain in the ARMY) grandson. Sorry, he is a little nuts. The cleaning the gun song is definitely him. OHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYY. We are keeping him though.
Well, I am missing talking regularly to you but it looks like you are having great fun with Pretty Ditty and family. Be nice to your grandma Mitch! :) Have a safe and speedy trip home tomorrow.
Love and hugs ~
What a beautiful picture of you and your granddaughter! I love Tony Bennett so thank you for the song.
Love seeing the pictures! I miss Kristy!
Sounds like you had a wonderfull time visiting family. As for Bolt castle, it's one of those attractions that is in my own back yard but have yet to visit it. Maybe one day......
Oh, that was so much fun! I miss you already! :)
Hi there!! I hopped on over from Kristen's blog because she said there was a photo of you two here.....very very nice!! It's nice to finally "see" my friend Kristen! I enjoyed your blog very much!
I love your music choice, and that photo of you with Kristen is gorgeous. It is so lovely to be able to picture you both.
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