Thank you Robin (Bittersweet Punkin) for the award. I will pass this award to Teresa at (Sew Many Thoughts) and Christine at (The Little World of Christine). Have a great day.
For Christmas, my Sister gave me the subscription to the magazine Reminisce. I received the first one today and I am really enjoying it. What a fun magazine it is.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this award. This shows you can get to know people through their words.
I have a bracelet that is made of hearts linked together. Engraved on each heart, front and back, are words to live by, fourteen all together. I'll put a picture of it on my blog. Among the words is
integrity. I made a list of the words I want to cross stitch for small pillows as a daily reminder, integrity is on the list.
Our thoughts must have crossed this week.
Sending you a BIG HUG!!!
Thank You Nancy. I have never received a blog award before :-)
Enjoy that new magaine. It's a nice one.
Your welcome! Enjoy your magazine...it must be a good one because your post is so short.....LOL!!
Congratulations, Nancy!
Greetings, Carolien
Congratulations Mother and of course, I think it is deserved but then, I am very biased. :) I want to see what the magazine looks like so what about a photo of the cover? I just got my first issue of The English Home on my doormat this morning. You will love looking at this magazine too.
Love and hugs ~
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