Kristy, my Grandaughter in New York, takes after her Great Grandmother Smith. She makes the most beautiful dolies and I so much love having them. No table in my house
is without one. Thank you for the handmade gift Kristy.
Mandie knows how much I love Snowmen, so she got me the Snowmen Hot Chocolate Pot.
Too bad she and Zoe can't be here to drink some with me.
I miss all of them already.
The last picture is the sweater I knitted for Haali.
Nancy, Very Nice Gifts. I love doilies also and this one is beautiful. The snowman chocolate pot is so cute. Can I be a daughter and get a sweater?
What a lovely presents, Nancy! I also like the colour of this sweater very much! Lucky Haali!
Greetings, Carolien
Glad you are back safe and sound. Love he doiley and the snowmen chocolate pot.
The Santa and Raindeer picture is definitly darling.
Happy New Year,
with friendship, fabric and floss
Aunt Nancy, that is a beautiful sweater that you made for Haali! You are so talented! Hope you had a good trip! I'm so glad that you have been able to see Amanda & Kristen for the past two holidays.
Happy New Year Nancy!
Oh I love the doily! I have a large, vintage doily on our dining room table that is so similar, and I enjoy it so much. Kristy does beautiful work!
The snowmen teapot is adorable and so you from what I know about you so far!
And, the sweater. . .once again your knitting is absolutely amazing!
Nancy, thanks for visiting my blog. I was feeling a little down tonight with my son leaving tomorrow so it was a nice surprise to see your note :) Thanks for taking the time to welcome me into this new "world".
I love that sweater!! You did a great job!!
Loved your other goodies too!
Happy New Year!
Well, mother I knew about both presents and knew you would love them! The hot chocolate pot is so cute and I hope you will use it? I bet you will leave it sit out for decoration though. Yum! Hot chocolate sounds good as it is cold here today. :) Ditty's doily turned out soooo pretty. Did the sweater fit Haali well? I forgot to ask you. It is sure her color and I know she will love wearing it in the NY cold.
Love and hugs ~
Welcome home, Nancy :>)
Your gifts, both received and given are really lovely.I love the jumper you knitted for Haali,it's gorgeous.It reminds me of one my mother knitted for me, many,many (too manyies really to list here...haha!)years ago.In Cyprus people knit all the time,really intricate patterns, but they always have the pattern in their heads,they never use printed patterns.It's theame with crochet. They know endless designs without having any written down. One person will show another and so they are passed on. Kirsy's doiley is so similar to ones made in Cyprus. She is very talented :>)
Hugs, Angela
Gramma, I am so glad that you enjoyed your doily! I am having quite a bit of fun searching for vintage patterns and trying to make sense of them! They were written somewhat different then than they are now. This one wasn't too hard to figure out. Haali loves her sweater!!! It is just perfect! Who doesnt love a good cup of hot cocoa, and in an adorable snowman pot to boot! :) I miss you already!!!
Oh wow!! The sweater turned out just awesome! Love that shade of green. Fantastic job Nancy.
Enjoy drinking hot chocolate out of that sweet little pot.
What lovely gifts and Kristy did a wonderful job making the doily! Might I add that the sweater you made is fabulous!!!! Do they come in Big Girl sizes? You are very talented!!!
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